

The Kingdom of Bahrain is keen to adopt the best regional and international practices in the field of environmental protection and confronting climate change in line with its national development plans and policies.

As it strives to achieve the contents of the Rio Declaration that was adopted at the Earth Summit in 1992, and the subsequent international and regional initiatives and development agendas in this field, including the Millennium Development Goals and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The Kingdom also Believes in the importance of international development work whose objectives coincide with the vision and strategy of the Kingdom of Bahrain 2030 and through the support and care it provides to promote and protect the right to a safe and healthy environment, especially with the challenges of climate change and the emergence of emerging environmental problems.

In this regard, the Kingdom launched several national initiatives and development strategies that achieve sustainability, in addition to its previous legislative and regulatory measures to reduce environmental pollution, in addition to its ratification of many agreements, treaties and protocols concerned with protecting the environment and achieving sustainable development.

Within the framework of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s commitment to work alongside its regional and international partners to reduce environmental pollution in the world, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, and Prime Minister, announced in October 2020 that Bahrain aims to reach “zero neutrality” of carbon emissions by the year 2060.

Adopt and implement green city initiatives

Adopt and implement green city initiatives

The Kingdom of Bahrain has also worked to adopt and implement green city initiatives in support of efforts to achieve sustainable development and economic growth.

which has been achieved on the ground through the adoption of the Bahraini Supreme Council for the Environment to implement projects of the "Green Information and Communication Technology" initiative in partnership and cooperation with the United Nations Environment Organization (UNEP).

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Global Green Economy Organization to use the latest technology in the field of green information and communication technology using best practices in order to rationalize electric energy consumption, reduce the carbon footprint in work environments and diversify energy sources, in an effort to preserve the environment and raise awareness Green economy and technologies and their role in achieving sustainable development.

The Kingdom of Bahrain seeks to quadruple mangrove reserves to absorb carbon dioxide from the air and to facilitate direct investment in new technology based on carbon sequestration. The National Initiative for the Development of the Agricultural Sector works with the public and private sectors to plant more than 50,000 trees throughout the Kingdom from During the “You are green” campaign, in addition to pledging to support the methane reduction initiative.