
Bahrain, Hungary foreign ministers hold press conference



30 January 2024

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, and the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó, held a press conference today following the meeting of the Bahrain Hungary Joint Economic Committee.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs spoke on his meeting with President Katalin Novak of the Republic of Hungary and commended the importance she gives to bilateral cooperation between the two countries and the need for continued joint efforts to expand cooperation in all fields.

Dr. Al Zayani conveyed the greetings of His Majesty the King to the President of Hungary, who relayed her greetings to His Majesty and her appreciation for the development of the distinguished relations between the two countries.

He commended the status of the relations between Bahrain and Hungary, highlighting their development in various sectors due to the keenness of the leadership in both countries to strengthen and expand these ties.

The Foreign Minister said that he and his counterpart, Minister Szijjártó held the meeting of the joint economic committee to discuss means to enhance bilateral cooperation in various domains, including political, economic, environmental, educational, cultural, energy, and agricultural sectors.

The meeting also discussed boosting trade exchange, attracting investments, and improving cooperation in food security and modern technology.

Dr. Al Zayani stated that the meeting was successful and beneficial, and it has been agreed to implement the decisions made during the meeting and to hold the third committee meeting in Bahrain next year.

The meeting emphasised the significance of fostering joint political and diplomatic efforts, enhancing cooperation between foreign affairs ministries in areas of political consultation, diplomatic training, exchange of support in international forums, and following up on the implementation of bilateral cooperation decisions.

Dr. Al Zayani also stated that discussions were held with his Hungarian counterpart regarding the latest developments in the Middle East, the Palestinian cause and the tragic Gaza Strip war and its impact on regional security and stability.

He said that during the meeting he reiterated the kingdom’s stance on the Gaza Strip war, which calls for an immediate end to the war, protection of civilians, the release of hostages and detainees, and ensuring that humanitarian aid reaches those in need to alleviate suffering per international humanitarian law and relevant international norms.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs affirmed Bahrain's rejection of forced Palestinian displacement, which is a violation of international laws and norms; the demand for a political solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict; and establishing an independent Palestinian state on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in line with the two-state solution and international legitimacy resolutions.

The Foreign Minister and his Hungarian counterpart discussed the regional situation's impact on peace and security and the need to combat terrorism and extremist organisations and protect international navigation in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab Strait for trade freedom and global food supplies.

On his part, Minister Szijjártó welcomed the Foreign Minister's visit to Hungary for the Joint Economic Committee meeting, highlighting the ongoing development of relations between the two countries and their positive outcome.