
Foreign Minister delivers statement marking International Day of Human Fraternity



03 February 2024

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the National Human Rights Committee, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, has affirmed that the Kingdom, which boasts a rich historical exemplary record in tolerance and respect for religious and cultural diversity, continues playing its role in establishing the values of solidarity and human fraternity, under the sound approach spearheaded by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and supported by the government, led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.

In a statement marking the International Day of Human Fraternity, observed globally every February 4, the Minister praised the Kingdom’s successes as a humanitarian role model for promoting peaceful coexistence, as well as for upholding rights, freedoms and human dignity in a state of citizenship, justice and institutions, based on a modern constitution, advanced legislation and wise, effective and sustainable policies, in light of the government’s programme and the National Plan to Promote the Spirit of Belonging to the Nation and Reinforce the Values of Citizenship (Bahrainouna), in addition to the National Human Rights Plan (2022-2026) and the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030.

The Minister expressed his pride in the pioneering royal initiatives to spread the culture of peace, coexistence, mutual respect among religions, cultures, races and civilizations, as well as human solidarity through the efforts of the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Coexistence, whose scientific and enlightening programs promote intercultural dialogue, by disseminating the principles of the “Kingdom of Bahrain Declaration” for religious freedom, in addition to educating youth within the framework of the King Hamad Chair for Inter-faith Dialogue and Peaceful Co-existence at the University of Sapienza, Italy.

The Minister further highlighted the Kingdom’s support for the relevant international efforts, the most important of which is the “Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together”, signed in Abu Dhabi, the UAE, in addition to its efforts to consolidate its partnership with the United Nations in achieving security, peace, environmental protection and sustainable development.

He also stressed the Kingdom’s continuous efforts to consolidate tolerance, peaceful coexistence, harmony and dialogue among religions and cultures, citing its distinction in organising key international conferences, such as the “Bahrain Dialogue Forum: East and West for Human Coexistence", during the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence Dr. Ahmed Al Tayeb, Shaikh of Al Azhar Al Sharif, to Bahrain, the 146th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly and related meetings, themed “Promoting peaceful coexistence and inclusive societies: fighting intolerance”, in addition to the launch of international awards for dialogue, peaceful coexistence, service to humanity, development of education, empowerment of women and youth, and support for sustainable development, as well the initiatives of the Royal Humanitarian Foundation in providing relief and development assistance to afflicted peoples, the most important of which is contributing to the relief of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The Foreign Affairs Minister affirmed the Kingdom’s firm adherence to its humanitarian values and established diplomatic principles in promoting a culture of peace, tolerance and human fraternity, in addition to giving priority to wisdom, dialogue and peaceful means in ending wars and settling regional and international conflicts, foremost among which is the establishment of a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and reaching a just and comprehensive peace in the region by establishing an independent Palestinian state.

He called on the international community to respond positively to HM King Hamad’s initiative to adopt an international agreement to criminalize religious, sectarian, and racist hate speech, as well as to cooperate internationally for safe, peaceful, and prosperous human communities.