Official Statements

Bahrain slams Israeli ministers’ extremist remarks

05 January 2024
Bahrain slams Israeli ministers’ extremist remarks

The Kingdom of Bahrain has strongly condemned the extremist racist statements made by two ministers in the Israeli government regarding the displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, reoccupation of the Strip and the construction of settlements there.

In a statement, the Foreign Affairs Ministry stressed the ministers’ extremist remarks clearly violate the principles of international law and resolutions of international legitimacy, warning that they would undermine the peace process, as well as ignite tension and instability in the region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain calling for reaching an immediate, permanent and comprehensive ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, protecting civilians and meeting their humanitarian needs.

It also called for creating suitable conditions for resuming the just peace process, to ensure granting the Palestinian people their legitimate rights to establish their independent state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the basis of the two-state solution, which is the essential prerequisite for peaceful coexistence, security and stability in the Middle East region.