Official Statements

Bahrain welcomes UN Security Council adoption of UAE-Penned Resolution on Scaling Up and Monitoring Aid to Gaza

23 December 2023
Bahrain welcomes UN Security Council adoption of UAE-Penned Resolution on Scaling Up and Monitoring Aid to Gaza

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain welcomes UN Security Council Resolution No. 2720, penned by the United Arab Emirates, which demands substantive, concrete steps to increase the flow of life-saving humanitarian aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip while protecting UN and humanitarian staff on the ground who deliver it.

The resolution requests that the UN Secretary-General appoint a Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator who will monitor and verify that all shipments delivered in the Gaza Strip are humanitarian in nature.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses appreciation for the diplomatic efforts of the United Arab Emirates, stressing that the Security Council must assume its responsibility to ensure the full implementation of this resolution.