
Foreign Minister attends Munich Security Conference opening



16 February 2024

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, attended the opening of the Munich Security Conference 2024, which kicked off with the participation of leaders, heads of government, foreign ministers and international affairs experts.

António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, addressed the opening session. He highlighted the need for “a global order that works for everyone.”

“Our world is facing existential challenges, but the global community is more fragmented and divided than at any time during the past 75 years,” he said.

“Today, we see countries doing whatever they like, with no accountability,” he added, stressing that “If countries fulfilled their obligations under the UN Charter, every person on earth would live in peace and dignity.”

On the Middle East, he said that “the situation in Gaza is an appalling indictment of the deadlock in global relations.”

“Nothing can justify the unconscionable terror attacks launched by Hamas on 7 October against Israel. And nothing can justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people in Israel’s military response,” he added.

The conference discusses issues and challenges that pose a threat to global security and peace, as well as their impact on the entire world.

Bahrain’s Ambassador to Germany, Abdulla Abdullatif Abdulla, and the delegation accompanying the Minister, were present.