
Foreign Minister receives copies of ambassadors-designate credentials



14 February 2024

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, today received copies of the credentials of newly appointed ambassadors-designate to the Kingdom of Bahrain via video conferencing.

The Foreign Minister received a copy of the credentials of Pavel Kafka, Czech Ambassador-designate to Bahrain, residing in Riyadh.

He received a copy of the credentials of Júlio Belarmino Gomes Maiato, Angolan Ambassador-designate to Bahrain, residing in Abu Dhabi.

The minister received a copy of the credentials of Christian Dooms, Belgian Ambassador-designate to Bahrain, residing in Kuwait.

He received a copy of the credentials of Bojan Jokić, the Ambassador-designate of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Bahrain, residing in Abu Dhabi.

The minister received a copy of the credentials of Ioannis Plotas, Greek Ambassador-designate to Bahrain, residing in Kuwait.

He received a copy of the credentials of Arthur Mattli, Swiss Ambassador-designate to Bahrain, residing in Abu Dhabi.

Dr. Al Zayani praised the distinguished level reached by the kingdom’s relations with the envoys’ countries, stressing the importance of strengthening those ties further. He also wished the ambassadors-designate every success in carrying out their diplomatic duties.

The ambassadors-designate expressed their pride in presenting copies of their credentials to the Foreign Affairs Minister, stressing their keenness to develop their countries’ relations with the kingdom, and wishing Bahrain continued progress and prosperity.

Chief of European Affairs, Ambassador Ahmed Ibrahim Al Qurainis, and the Chief of Arab and African Affairs, Ambassador Ahmed Mohammed Al Tarifi, also were present.